Feel-Good Healthy Food Bloggers

When we invite healthy eating into our lives, oftentimes the first things to be cut from the menu are the gooey, syrupy, salty, crunchy, heaven-sent desserts and snacks we love. It’s unfortunate that snack and dessert foods are notorious culprits for relying on ingredients many of us wish to avoid.

But, with a little creativity, even the healthiest eaters can transform snack time and dessert from a distant memory into a present-day reality, sitting on plate in front of you waiting to be enjoyed (as food ought to be!).

We had a craving to share some of our favourite soul-satisfying food bloggers’ recipes – yummy concoctions that have warmed our snack-time spirits and dessert-deprived bodies:

The Healthy Hipster

The Healthy Hipster digs her hipster lifestyle (she is from Toronto after all) but she also recognizes that many of the stereotypically unhealthy habits of the hipster lifestyle don’t work for her. Her lifestyle blog is packed with a mixed bag of recipes for the hipster who knows that “too much pabst makes you feel like crapst.” We’re stoked to try these Banana Mango Sunshine “Scookies.”

Oh She Glows

If we were stranded on a desert island that also happened to have a grocery store and kitchen, and we had to choose one food blog – and one only – we would choose this one! And because being stranded on an island might be a bit distressing, something salt, crunchy, and delicious would be comforting, like this recipe for All-Dressed Kale Chips.

Minimalist Baker

Totally adorbs blogger duo/husband and wife John and Dana create delicious-in-their-simplicity recipes, take beautiful pictures of them, and post it all to their decidedly minimalist (in appearance) blog. Taking minimalism one step further, each of their recipes requires 10 ingredients or less, takes 30 minutes or less to prepare, and requires minimal equipment to make. They have some clever ideas too, like these mouth-watering Vegan Gluten Free Black Bean Brownies.

Carrie on Living

Alongside these heavenly recipes, Carrie Forrest’s food blog speaks to the evolution of a person’s dietary choices and needs. While Carrie was once a devout vegan, her health circumstances changed and she was required to make some adjustments to her diet. Read Carrie’s story here – or skip right to the good stuff, like her recipe for Almond Pulp Cookie Crisps.

Chocolate Covered Katie

Katie had us “chocolate.” Here we have an entire blog dedicated to healthy desserts – two words that don’t always go together, but ought to in our opinion! These Mini Powdered Sugar Snowball Donuts are adorable and remind us of being a kid.

Running on Real Food

Not only are Vancouver-based Deryn’s recipes deliciously vegan, she also posts regularly about fitness and wellness. Deryn is yet another example of how a person can be fit, strong, healthy and athletic, without eating animal products. We’re already fantasizing about enjoying this Kale Hummus during our next Netflix binge-fest.

Fork and Beans

Blogger Cara’s story of growing up with digestive health problems is a story many of us so-called “alternative” eaters know too well. But with Fork and Beans that’s the whole point: we shouldn’t have to feel “alternative” because real, delicious food is a thing that’s indeed possible. We can’t wait to try her Raw Pear Crumble because it looks yummy and cool at the same time!

Pickles and Honey

Bloggers Aaron and Amanda approach food and recipes by following a single philosophy: essentialism. That is, they believe food should not be “complicated, expensive, or require a big time commitment.” As a prime example, check out their recipe for 3-Ingredient Vegan Caramel Sauce – the pictures alone caused a Pavlovian response in us.

Sprouted Kitchen

Sprouted Kitchen approaches food not as science – but as art, and doesn’t believe in labeling food as “good” or “bad,” but rather that we ought to eat food as nature intended, in it’s whole form. Aside from the incredible recipe resource here, you can get lost merely in the simplistically stunning photography alone. We’re thinking these Zucchini Toasts will be our next bedtime snack.

Edible Perspective

We like blogger Ashley McLaughlin’s genuine approach to delicious food – you almost feel like you’re being invited into her kitchen. Her story is also one that can serve as an inspiration, having turned to food blogging and photography almost by accident after an education in architecture didn’t translate into a job. And we’re glad she did, because her recipes are now out there in the world, waiting to be eaten, like this one for Roasted Strawberry & Coconut Cream Pancakes.


So there you have it: crave-worthy proof that healthy eating is no longer about denying yourself during snack-time or sighing inwardly when the dessert course rolls around.

Do you have a favourite food blogger or recipe that satisfies your cravings? Keep the ball of deliciousness rolling and share them here, or on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

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