
Social Disturbance

AHAALiving.com’s Nicole Pointon is tired of seeing horrific domestic animal and wildlife abuse in her social media feeds, but she supports the organizations that post the content. What’s an animal lover to do?

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A Better Thanksgiving Dinner

How are you greening & cleaning your Thanksgiving dinner this year? We’ve pulled together  our favourite tips and recipes on ethical and healthful approach to the upcoming Canadian holiday.

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A Commitment to Locally Made Cycling Gear

From cycling pedal straps to messenger, camera and laptop bags, Toronto’s YNOT Cycle has evolved. The company’s founders and passionate staff credit that growth to its commitment to locally made, uncompromisingly high quality goods that have developed a loyal following in Toronto – and beyond.

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SokJok’s Angella Goran: Giving Back Through Sports

Angella Goran has spent over 15 years as an amateur to elite rower, cyclist, – and currently – triathelete, as well as being a certified top-level indoor cycling instructor. She is the founder of SokJok Inc. and Cheer 4 Me, a new charity set to launch in 2015. The two charities work hand-in-hand, using proceeds from sock sales to support sustainable leadership programs for youth programs in schools, teams and organizations.

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INLAND: A Canadian fashion marketplace hits Toronto this weekend

Over 80 Canadian designers (along with beer, and opportunities to actually buy the clothes) converge at INLAND, an innovative fashion marketplace in Toronto this weekend.

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GOOD Example: Taylor Conroy of Change Heroes

AHAALiving.com GOOD Example Taylor Conroy explains the beginnings behind his innovative and highly successful social enterprise, Change Heroes.

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Your Best August Ever

Make this your Best August Ever! Whether its more relaxation, more fitness, more healthy eating – or doing away with bad habits and attitudes – we’d love to hear about your plans to add lasting transformation to the list of things to savour about the end of summer.

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Life, Interrupted

Health and fitness are all about staying proactive…and, let’s face it, being lucky. Sometimes, life events interrupt our best efforts. Experiences out of our control, disruptions as petty as a common cold, keep us out of the game. But there are occurrences that have the potential to de-rail us for more than just a few days.

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How To Get Things Done: Gil Penalosa Style

In his TEDxCarlton talk, Gil Penalosa, the Executive Director of the Canadian non-profit organization 8-80 Cities: Walk & Bike, Parks & Streets for All, walks us through the reverse engineering needed to create public places for people 8-80, meaning as young as 8 and as seasoned as 80.

Gil is a non-preachy straight shooter who gets to the root of the problem by stating, ”We’re thinking and talking, but not doing enough. How can we move from talking to doing?”


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The Clean Bin Project

The Clean Bin Project is a documentary film about Jen and Grant, a fun-loving, unapologetically competitive couple, who embark on a yearlong contest to reduce their garbage output. Their rules are simple…

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In October of 2012, Jenny Mulligan was diagnosed with brain cancer and told she would likely live 18 months to two years. Family and friends feverishly looked for treatments for brain cancer and found lots of research showing great promise, however very few of these experimental treatments seemed to make it to human clinical trials because there just wasn’t enough funding. The space between academic research and human clinical trials is rightly called “the valley of death”.

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Chocolate Is The New Caviar

How does one prove sustainability? Well, the easiest way to recognize it seems to be via certification methods. These methods provide information about how a product is grown and/or produced. One of the most controversial products is none other than chocolate. Chocolate has become the status symbol of our day and it’s fascinating.

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This Coffee is a Saint!

“DRINK KLINK. CHANGE LIVES.” That’s what it says on KLINK™’s coffee bean packaging and on their travel mugs. Sounds like what all the other ethical coffee bean producers are selling, so we thought we’d dig deep and ask the KLINK team some questions.

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