Taste Test: Ethical Bean Rocket Fuel

Every morning I wake up, stretch the bod, brush the chompers, and brew a big ol’ mug of caffeinated gold. Not to come across as a complete coffee snob (even though I totally am), but a cup of instant brew will just not do. For me, coffee has got to be freshly ground, french pressed, and black – like my heart (yes – tree-hugging, leftist, philanthropic, vegans can have black hearts too!). Beyond it tasting freaking amazing, it absolutely has to be Fairtrade (ok fine, maybe my heart is less black than I let on).

So, you can only imagine my excitement when I came across a bag of coffee that ticked off all the boxes … and then some.

I introduce you to *drum roll please* Ethical Bean, Rocket Fuel. Firstly, it’s called Rocket Fuel, I mean, c’mon! Secondly, it’s Fairtrade (you can even trace where your beans came from!), organic, kosher, carbon neutral (holy environmental responsibility, Batman!), and the company is a certified B Corp. Basically all awesome things.

I love to support a company that is doing good, but if it doesn’t taste good, I’ll likely move on.

So, without further ado, taste-test time.

Ethical Bean: Rocket Fuel

rocket fuel (2 of 4)

I made my brew pretty much as the package suggests. I freshly ground my beans, used three heaping spoons of coffee for a single-serving french press. After adding the water, I let it stand for a good 3-5 minutes. Then I pressed that baby and enjoyed black.

The taste was deep and smooth, without the bitterness you can get with some darker roasts. This, to me, is the perfect coffee to drink black – it packs a punch, but isn’t so intense your mouth feels like it’s filled with cotton balls. I also think this would be a really great to bake with – strong enough to get a lot of flavour, without totally dominating your dessert.

rocket fuel (4 of 4)

The take-away? Will definitely get again and can’t wait to try out the rest of the line-up. You can grab a 3-pack taster of some Ethical Bean goodness here.

Coffee. You delicious, sexy thing you … I’ll love you forever and ever xo




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